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EEG performance tester SEEG100E

EEG performance tester SEEG100E, is compliant with the test requirements of IEC 80601-2-26:2019 and applicable for R&D, compliance and production line testing.

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:369



EEG performance tester SEEG100E, is compliant with the test requirements of IEC 80601-2-26:2019 and applicable for R&D, compliance and production line testing.


Designed for the latest EEG standard IEC 80601-2-26:2019

Sophisticated electrical and shielding design enables the test system to output 1μV signal

9 channels with auto-select switches for user to test performance individually

Built-in test circuits as defined in EEG standards with selection of 620kΩ/4.7nF for input impedance test

Able to load and replay files in PhysioNet's EDF format, binary format and text format

IEC 80601-2-26 helper simplifies the medical standard with test sequences, options, parameters and pass criterions

Software Development Kit (SDK) assists user to develop customized or automated test software with less efforts



Main output voltage accuracy±1% for amplitudes of 50 µVpp or higher

Main output voltage resolution

(DAC resolution)0.5µV

Frequency / pulse repetition rate accuracy±1%

Pulse duration / timing accuracy±1ms

Resistor tolerance±1%

Capacitor tolerance±5%

Precision 500:1 divider (50K?:100?)±0.2%

Sample rate5kHz ± 0.1%

DC offset

(fixed, noise free, from internal supercapacitor)150mV ± 1%

DC offset

(variable, may include up to 50µVpp noise)Setting ±1% or ±3mV

Power supplyUSB +5Vdc supply (no separate power supply required) 0.5A (high power mode)

Environment15 ~ 30°C (by design, not tested)

30 ~ 80% RH (by design, not tested)

Safety, EMC standardsNo applicable safety standards (maximum internal voltages 12Vdc) For EMC no testing performed.

CE marking based on careful selection of parts, including USB protection IC, as well as special filters to

reduce noise from microprocessor (8MHz) and DC/DC converter (200kHz).

外形尺寸: 17cm(长)*10cm(宽)*5cm(高),接线盒尺寸:13.5cm(长)*17.5cm(宽)*4.5cm(高)

EEG performance tester SEEG100E,EEG performance tester SEEG100E



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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