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PPG-2R-880 / PPG-2R-940 Reflectance SpO2 Module

PPG-2R-880 / PPG-2R-940 Reflectance SpO2 Module, The PPG-2R-880/PPG-2R-940 works with the AECG100 main console or SECG 5.0 AIO Multi Vital Sign Simulator, as the first reflectance SpO2 performance.

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:328



The PPG-2R-880/PPG-2R-940 Reflectance SpO2 Module,

works with the AECG100 main console or SECG 5.0 AIO Multi Vital Sign Simulator, as the first reflectance SpO2 performance tester designed for R&D in manufacturers. This dual-channel optical module outputs R and IR analog signals to test blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and heart rate functions. Besides, it also allows users to individually adjust the R/IR’s rate of change of respiratory signals in PPG and set up add-on noise. It’s suitable for the development and verification of reflectance PPG products such as wearable devices to test performance.


Works with the AECG100 main console or SECG 5.0 AIO Multi Vital Sign Simulator to test heart rate, ECG, PPG, PWTT, and SpO2 functions

Outputs R and IR analog signals to simulate SpO2 signals

Adjustable SpO2 parameters, such as AC, DC, and PI values of R/IR, to confirm the accuracy of the SpO2 function

ECG function with adjustable PWTT parameters to verify the accuracy of blood pressure measurement algorithms

Respiratory variation simulation – add-on signals for more authentic testing

Equipped with Auto Sequence function – sorts the parameters of different test items into a designated order for automated testing while eliminating the need to develop automated testing programs

Raw data playback – plays recorded raw data or customized waveforms for repeated verification to facilitate the development process

Provides SDK supporting multiplatform for users to flexibly develop automated testing programs

Equipped with RCA to BNC ports to connect to an oscilloscope – outputs amplified and stable signals for viewing the voltage of AC analog signals of R/IR, optical signals received by the PPG-2R-880/PPG-2R-940, and the switch status of R/IR LED of DUT

Adjustable PPG waveform characteristic points, such as the Systolic Peak (SP), Dicrotic Notch (DN), and Diastolic Peak (DP), in a wide range and precise values for flexible test settings*

Allows users to configure noise with adjustable frequencies and amplitudes to output with PPG signals for testing*

*Note: Only available when paired with the AECG100.

Testing Scenario

PPG-2R-880 / PPG-2R-940 Reflectance SpO2 Module

The PPG-2R-880/PPG-2R-940 Reflectance SpO2 Module



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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