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ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously

ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously. AECG100 The Innovative simulator to output, Adjustable time difference parameters to generate various Pulse Wave Transmit

  • 产品型号:AECG100
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:324



ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously.

AECG100 The Innovative simulator to output, Adjustable time difference parameters to generate various Pulse Wave


AECG100 ECG 主机??橐谰菀贫叫牡缤蓟曜疾馐韵呗分笊杓疲涑鲅逗舧an全符合医疗标准

PPG-1R-525 单信道光学??榭商峁?PPG 心率模拟讯号

PPG-2TF-660、PPG-2R-880 及 PPG-2R-940 双信道光学??榭墒涑龊旃饧昂焱夤饽D庋逗?,提供 SpO2 血氧饱和度仿真讯号

PWTT 脉搏波传导时间参数可调整,有效验证血压量测算法精确度

可开发被测设备(DUT)的 R 曲线,以提供 SpO2 监测器的软件验证及确认


可播放原始数据 Raw Data 波形,重现临床录制或是自行编制的波形

AECG 标准辅助软件简化测试步骤,点击鼠标即可完成医疗标准所需测试

提供软件开发工具包(Software Development Kit),用户可自行开发客制或全自动化测试软件


AECG100 main console unit includes ECG module with built-in test circuits with auto select switches per ECG standard required

PPG-1R-525 module offers optical waveforms simulating PPG heart rate signals

PPG-2TF-660, PPG-2R-880, and PPG-2R-940 module offer red and infrared optical waveforms for SpO2 testing

Adjustable PWTT parameters allows user to check and improve the algorithm of blood pressure applications

Developing R curves of device under test (DUT) for SpO2 monitors' verification and validation testing

Test parameters in each test mode can be saved and integrated as a series of customized test sequences for improving the testing efficiency

Waveform player function reproduces and repeats recorded or programmed waveforms

AECG Assistant software pack simplifies test sequences of medical standards into adjustable parameters, selectable options, test procedures and pass criterion

Software Development Kit (SDK) assists user to develop customized or automated test software with less efforts

Related Information

ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously

ECG and PPG analog signals simultaneously



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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