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BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer, is a performance testing device that can be used standalone or connected to a PC. It contains wide display range, arbitrarily adjustable pulse envelope

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:356



BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer, is a performance testing device that can be used standalone or connected to a PC. It contains wide display range, arbitrarily adjustable pulse envelope to set precise values. Compatible with all types of blood pressure monitors, benefits R&D and compliance testing

Compliant test for IEC 80601-2-30, YY9706.230 and comply with simulator standard ISO/TS 81060-5


Compliant with IEC80601-2-30 standard testing, ensuring consistency and repeatability

Adjustable blood pressure envelope to simulate different blood pressure

Compatible with all types of blood pressure monitors, including wrist, arm, and tunnel

Wide display range: includes dynamic blood pressure range (10-300 mmHg) and static pressure range (20-400 mmHg)

Dynamic pressure repeatability within 2mmHg at maximal pulse volume

Provide Software Development Kit (SDK) to develop customized or automatic testing software

Auto-sequence assists users in easily creating semi-automatic test procedures for more efficient and automated testing

Optional Standard Assistant Software simplifies the medical standard with test sequences, options, parameters and pass criterions

Standard Assistant Software with test report to help users keep records as HTML file

Play waveform data

Testing Scenario


BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer

      ↑ Wrist BP Monitor


BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer

      ↑ Arm BP Monitor


BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer

      ↑ BP Monitor test with Air Reservoir

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer


    ↑ Adjustable Pulse Envelope

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer


     ↑ Display pressure-time graph and with four adjustable cursors to view detailed pressure and time


BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer


    ↑ Standard Assistant Software

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer


    ↑ Generate test report automatically to keep records as HTML file

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer

BPA700 NIBP Simulator and Analyzer



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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