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defibrillation shock tester

defibrillation shock tester, Designed specifically for AED/Defibrillator R&D and QA applications to solve the need to integrate most devices. Withstand more intense defibrillation shocks

  • 产品型号:DFS360
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:348



defibrillation shock tester, Designed specifically for AED/Defibrillator R&D and QA applications to solve the need to integrate most devices. Withstand more intense defibrillation shocks at a long duration. Display defibrillation shock waveform, energy (in Joules), parameters, as well as characteristic points at the same time. Supporting various ECG waveforms with customized user-defined data or clinical signals. Also, SDK provided to enhance automated testing programs.


Intuitive software interface with shock-related information on one screen – the waveform, energy (in Joules), parameters, and characteristic points captured at a sampling rate of 4μs

Automatically saves complete raw data of the shock waveform to establish a test history

Outputs ECG waveforms with selectable adult and child modes to achieve high accuracy for testing

Raw data playback – plays recorded raw data or customized waveforms for repeated verification to facilitate the development process

Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis – compares the shock waveforms of multiple DUTs or a single DUT to confirm the consistency of quality and reliability, facilitating conducting the endurance test described in IEC 60601-2-4*

Provides software development kit (SDK) for developing automated testing programs

*Note: The Repeatability and Reproducibility Analysis needs a separate purchase.

defibrillation shock tester,

AED Testing Scenario

defibrillation shock tester

Defibrillator Testing Scenario

defibrillation shock tester



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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