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Multi Vital Sign Simulator

Multi Vital Sign Simulator 5.0 AIO
The ECG simulator designed for ECG performance testing. Capable of adding noise, respiration and lead-off simulations. Flexible operation modes for standalone or PC

  • 产品型号:SECG5.0
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:319



Multi Vital Sign Simulator SECG 5.0 AIO

The ECG simulator designed for ECG performance testing. Capable of adding noise, respiration and lead-off simulations. Flexible operation modes for standalone or PC software.
Suitable for R&D and compliance testing.

Compliant with IEC 60601-2-25, IEC 60601-2-27, IEC 60601-2-47, GB 9706.225, GB 9706.227, YY 9706.247, YY1079, YY1139, YY0782, YY0885, JJG 760, JJG 1042, ANSI/AAMI EC11, ANSI/AAMI EC13

Multi Vital Sign Simulator SECG 5.0 AIO



  • Built-in test circuits as defined in ECG standards

  • Adjustable parameters and selectable options enable to verify DUT with flexibility

  • Provides NST noise simulation Electrode Motion Artifact / Muscle Noise / Baseline Wander

  • Various signal simulations Impedance Type Respiration, Wave Modulation Type (Baseline / Amplitude / Frequency) Respiration and lead-off simulation

  • Auto Sequence function assists in conducting semi-automated tests

  • Loads and plays recorded or programmed waveforms

  • Software Development Kit (SDK) allows to develop customized or automated test software with less efforts

  • Optional Standard Assistant software pack simplifies the medical standard with test sequences, options, parameters and pass criteria

With Transmittance SpO2 Module (PPG-2TF-660)

  • Simulates ECG and PPG signals to conduct SpO2 and PWTT (Pulse Wave Transit Time) testing

  • Adjustable SpO2 parameters, such as AC, DC, and PI values of R/IR, to confirm the accuracy of DUTs

  • Builds or loads the R curve of the SpO2 function to quickly verify products' performance and assist in comparing against competitors

  • Built-in 14 types of ambient light signals and respiratory variation simulation add-on signals for more authentic testing

  • Synchronizes ECG and PPG signals while enabling users to adjust the time difference to test the accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure measurement algorithms

With Reflectance SpO2 Module (PPG-2R-880/PPG-2R-940)

  • Simulates ECG and PPG signals to conduct SpO2 and PWTT (Pulse Wave Transit Time) testing

  • Adjustable SpO2 parameters, such as AC, DC, and PI values of R/IR, to confirm the accuracy of DUTs

  • Builds or loads the R curve of the SpO2 function to quickly verify products' performance and assist in comparing against competitors

  • Built-in respiratory variation simulation add-on signals for more authentic testing

  • Synchronizes ECG and PPG signals while enabling users to adjust the time difference to test the accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure measurement algorithms

With Reflectance Green Light Heart Rate Module (PPG-1R-525)

  • Outputs green light analog signals to simulate PPG signals

  • Built-in respiratory variation simulation add-on signals for more authentic testing

  • Synchronizes ECG and PPG signals while enabling users to adjust the time difference to test the accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure measurement algorithms

  • Equipped with RCA to BNC ports to connect to an oscilloscope outputs amplified and stable signals for viewing the voltage of AC analog signals of green light, optical signals received by the PPG-1R-525, and the switch status of green LED of DUT

Testing Scenario

Multi Vital Sign Simulator



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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