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ECG performance testing

ECG performance testing, SECG 4.0
The ECG simulator designed for performance testing. Suitable for compliance and production line testing.
Compliant with IEC 60601-2-25, IEC 60601-2-27, IEC 60601-2-47

  • 产品型号:SECG 4.0
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-06-03
  • 访  问  量:359



ECG performance testing, SECG 4.0

The ECG simulator designed for performance testing. Suitable for compliance and production line testing.

Compliant with IEC 60601-2-25, IEC 60601-2-27, IEC 60601-2-47, ANSI / AAMI EC11, ANSI / AAMI EC13, GB9706.225, GB9706.227, YY9706.247, YY1079, YY1139, YY0782, YY0885, JJG 760, JJG 1041, and JJG 1042.


Single channel performance tester for diagnostic ECG, monitoring ECG and ambulatory ECG

Built-in test circuits as defined in ECG standards

Excellent shielding and grounding design makes amplitude and frequency accuracy < ± 1%

DC offset and pacemaker signal output can be adjustable

Load ECG file function enables to load and replay recorded or programmed waveforms

Offer alternative input of external generator for arbitrary waveforms

Software Development Kit (SDK) assists user to develop customized or automated test software with less efforts

Optional Standard Assistant software pack simplifies the medical standard with test sequences, options, parameters and pass criterions


ParametersSpecificationsSystem capability

Main output voltage accuracy±1% for amplitudes of 0.5mVpp or higher±0.3%

Main output voltage resolution

(DAC resolution)N/A2.5µV

Frequency / pulse repetition rate accuracy±1%±0.1%

Pulse duration / timing accuracy (excluding pacing)±1ms±0.2ms

Pacing pulse width accuracy±5µs±1µs

Pacing pulse amplitude accuracy, range±2mV pulse: ±1%

>2mV pulse: ±10%

Range: ±2mV ~ ±700mV±2mV pulse: ±0.3%

100mV pulse: ±1% or ±5mV

Pacing pulse characteristicsRise/fall time 5µs


Settling time<1%

Pacing pulse overshoot (intentional)Method A according to IEC 60601-2-27

Resistor tolerance±1%±0.5%

Capacitor tolerance±5%±5%

Precision 1000:1 divider (100KΩ:100Ω)±0.2%±0.1%

Sample rate5kHz ± 0.1%5kHz ± 0.05% (50ppm)

DC offset

(fixed, noise free, from internal supercapacitor)300mV ± 1%300mV ±0.1%

DC offset

(variable, may include up to 50µVpp noise)Setting ±1% or ±3mVSetting ±1% or ±3mV

外形尺寸: 17cm(长)*10cm(宽)*5cm(高),接线盒尺寸:13.5cm(长)*17.5cm(宽)*4.5cm(高)

ECG performance testing,

ECG performance testing



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  • 联系电话:13671818969

  • 联系邮箱:lisa815@yeah.net

  • 公司地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区老芦公路536号

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